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Valley Mountain Bikers and Hikers

2025 registration opens March 25th!

Returning Riders REGISTER HERE

New Ride Registration opens April 15

For questions, Email:

What is SprocKidz?

SprocKidz is a Valley Mountain Bikers and Hikers summer program that introduces mountain biking to kids ages 8-18. The program teaches fundamental bike handling skills and maintenance while promoting trail stewardship. It also promotes fitness through the pursuit of fun! Our motto is "more kidz on more bikes more often"

The 2025 season

June 9 through July 30

Mondays and Wednesdays 
6:30-8:00 p.m.

Primary locations:
Matanuska Lakes State Recreation Area
(Mat-Su Greenbelt), as well as the Government Peak Recreation Area.

Other “field trip” ride locations, dates for the end of season party and trails maintenance volunteer opportunities will be announced.

What is the cost?

For 2025:
$150 for first child;
$50 for each additional child

Signup limited to the first 150 riders.

The cost of SprocKidz will always include the VMBaH membership fee. Registered kids must be a member of Valley Mountain Bikers and Hikers. The registration fee also includes a SprocKidz t-shirt, as well as all the fun they’ll have this summer!

What kind of bike 
does my kid need?

  • Properly fitted bike for your kid
  • Geared bike (at least 5 or 6 speeds)
  • Shifters & brakes in good working order
  • Preferably a hardtail (no rear suspension) for younger kids.
  • Your kid’s bike should never weigh more than your kid!

Looking for a used bike? Try Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or post something on the SprocKidz Facebook page if you’re in need of a bike for your kid. Networking around the schools also is helpful.

Additionally, both Valley bike shops (Backcountry Bike & Ski in Palmer and Alaska Bicycle Center in Wasilla) offer exceptional sales and service.

What is the SprocKidz
age range?

Ages 8-18; coaches and program volunteers are always needed too!

What does my kid need
to bring each day?

  • Safe & properly working bike
  • Properly fitted helmet
  • Water & a snack:
    • Either a water bottle or CamelBak style pack
    • At least 20 oz.
    • A high-energy snack/ protein bar is good
  • Bike Tube/Tire Repair
    • Hand pump, tube that fits the bike’s rim size,
      and tire levers

Getting your bike tuned up
and taking care of repairs

We want your kids to have the most fun on the trails as possible, and this requires a tuned-up bike with properly working parts. Throughout the summer the bike might need to be adjusted because they will be riding it, a lot! (Which is a good thing!) 

Happy Bike = Happy Kids!

Suggestions to improve
your kid’s experience

Pack your kid with the following to help him/her really get the most out of their mountain biking experience:

  • Bug dope!
  • Sunscreen
  • Healthy snack or energy bar and plenty of water
  • Sunglasses or eye protection
  • Cycling gloves
  • Comfortable clothes (always have the rain gear handy)
    • Try finding clothes that are a blend of poly or another moisture wicking fabric
    • No jeans
  • Athletic sneakers or skate shoes
    • No open-toe shoes or sandals

Valley Mountain Bikers and Hikers   •   PO Box 2867, Palmer, Alaska 99645   •

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